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This is the source of fuel your radiator or towel rail will use to provide heat. Radiators will generate heat through central heating systems, electricity, or a combination of both with dual fuel.

Central Heating:
These radiators will generate heat through the water pumped round your central heating system.

Electric radiators contain fluid heated by an electrical element. They plug into a socket or are wired directly into the mains.

Dual Fuel:
Dual fuel radiators are able to run on both central heating and electric power. They contain a ‘summer’ heating element which will allow you to use your radiator in warmer months without needing to turn on your entire central heating system.


Please note that these guarantees are provided by the manufacturer, and will be subject to individual exclusions, exceptions, and terms and conditions, for example avoiding abrasive bleach-based cleaning products.

If you need further info about a specific manufacturer's guarantee, please contact our team.

Watts is a measure of heat output used for electric radiators, with a higher watt figure meaning a higher heat output. Purchasing a radiator that has the correct wattage will ensure your room will be at a comfortable temperature without wasting energy.

By using our BTU Calculator,you can calculate the number of watts your radiator needs to adequately heat your room.